Many people – both men and women – are unaware of the benefits of orthotic support. We wear high heels all day and schlep home in flat shoes with no support. Or we spend the summers in flat flip-flops with virtually no support. Most people don’t realize how much damage their shoes are doing on not only the legs but also their hips and pelvises.
The arches of the feet are generally done developing around age six. Many chiropractors recommend beginning to use stabilizing orthotics as early as six, as they provide a symmetrical foundation that allows bones to model and mold correctly. Ideally, medical professionals recommend that once you begin utilizing stabilizing orthotics, you continue to wear them for the rest of your life.

The increased amount of time that most people spend standing and walking on hard surfaces has increased the need for the use of orthotic support. Orthotics absorb some of the shock generated from running and walking on these hard surfaces. Wearing orthotics at least 80 percent of the time will provide the body with a balanced foundation.
Stabilizing orthotic inserts can be purchased over the counter at most drugstores, but many chiropractors recommend investing in custom made stabilizing orthotics. Over the counter orthotics often over-correct the problem and are not effective in correcting posture. Additionally, over the counter inserts aren’t as durable as custom inserts. Chiropractors spend time with patients, using 16 precise measurements based on digital images and foot impressions. This allows for improved balance and over time, can properly correct each person’s specific condition.